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In honor of their parent’s anniversary, the Glessing crew had family photos done on a glorious Alberta afternoon. They were troopers. We quite literally trekked through fields and streams to get just the right shots. Happy Anniversary.

The whole fam-damily

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Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time at Sunnyside Home and Garden, buying plants for the garden. When I was in the perennial house last week, I was struck by the beautiful morning light and the vibrant color of the plants, signage and merchandise. Many thanks to Sunnyside for allowing us to shoot there […]

The Sunnyside of Life

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Last night I met up with Shelley and her Mother, Anna, who was in from out of town. This was the first time I had met Anna and I was struck by the similarities in their facial expressions and the way they carry themselves. We took advantage of the summery evening and the lilacs in […]

Mother Daughter

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Due to our wintery Calgary weather, my paying gigs for the weekend were postponed. When my friend Milton Kim asked me to take some photos of his jazz ensemble Mingus Jazz, I jumped at the chance. He asked for “photos of the jazz band that were unusual….and captured the essence of the music.” Given the […]

Jazz Hands

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When I photographed Christine and Tyler last weekend, they invited me to an outdoor concert Tyler was performing in. Tyler is bass guitarist and is currently touring with Phil Wickham. What a great opportunity to hang out with the artists and take some concert shots. Here is Tyler, doin’ his thing It was kinda cool […]

Concert in Costa Mesa

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During my recent trip to California, I was able to hook up with Christine and Tyler for an engagement session at Balboa Fun Zone in Newport Beach. I first met Christine at CSCand was taken in by her incredible voice and mesmerizing stage presence. Sadly (for us), Tyler has wooed her away to California and […]

Christine and Tyler e-session


Sophisticated photos that stand the test of time.